Press Room
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Dalton Everett to set up an interview with one of our team members.
In The News
Below are some of the topics that we have spoken on. If you don't see the topic that you are looking for, please reach out to Dalton and he will be able to direct you to the appropriate team member.
Stretch Your Dollar: Spring Cleaning Your Spending
You may think of Spring cleaning your home or garden when the weather starts to break, but experts say it’s smart to give your money some attention too.
Financial Consultant Discusses How to Organize Finances
Over the years, people make countless financial decisions, and the end result is often a ‘financial junk drawer.’ Here, John Caserta, is talking about how to organize finances and clean out those junk drawers.
Review Your Personal Finances with a Professional on National Financial Awareness Day
John Caserta talks about the importance of reviewing your finances to make sure you're right on track with your goals for National Financial Awareness Day.
Incorporating Money Lessons Into At-Home Schooling
John Caserta discusses how parents are finding themselves
supplementing their children's education and how they can incorporate money lessons.
How to Avoid Financial Sabotage
John Caserta sits down with WTNH to talk about how to avoid the financial sabotage that is preventing you from achieving your goals.
​Budgeting for Summer Camp
John Caserta sits down with WTNH to talk about what you should consider, as a parent, when paying for camp.
Easing Anxiety Over Money
John Caserta explains why money can be so stressful, and ways you can reduce your money-related stress.
Should Investors be Concerned with 'Super Bowl Indicator'.
John Caserta answers all questions on the theory of whether or not the “Super Bowl Indicator” accurately forecasts a bear or bull market.
Financial and legal planning for parents of children with special needs
John Caserta provides financial and legal guidance for parents whose children are special needs.
How Social Media Impacts Spending
John Caserta sits down with WTNH to talk about how social media can impact an individuals spending habits.
​What to do and What to Avoid Following a Stock Market Plunge
John Caserta explains the do's and dont's of what to do following a plunge in the stock market.
Stretch Your Dollar: How knowing a foreign language future-proofs job opportunities
John Caserta sits down with WTNH to talk about how learning a foreign language can translate to bigger paychecks in the future.
​Stretch Your Dollar: What you need to know about digital assets for your will
John Caserta explains the importance of digital passwords being in your will or legal documentation.
Teacher Retirement Planning
Even while Connecticut teachers’ pensions are underfunded, John Caserta provides educators with tips on how to plan ahead for retirement.
​Financial Planning for Families with Children with Special Needs
John Caserta shares his advice with parents on planning and paying for your child’s educational future.
Tax Deductions with Car Donations
John Caserta explains how donating your car by the end of the year, will actually give you a tax break.
The 'Santa Claus Rally'
Financial consultant John Caserta talks about this phenomenon, and how this run-up in the stock market truly affects your money.
Avoiding Holiday Debt
Financial consultant John Caserta shows you how to not break the bank when shopping for holiday gifts.
Financial Planning for Military Members and Their Families
John Caserta talks about financial challenges military families face, and how they can deal with them.
Are Home Warranties Really Worth It?
John Caserta will break down the pros and cons of purchasing warranties when searching for your new home.
Apps for Keeping Track of Your Finances
John Caserta talks about his favorite finance apps that will help you budget, invest and more.
Financial Planning for College Grads
John Caserta helps recent college grads make a smoother transition from schooling to their first jobs.
Tips for Selecting a Financial Advisor
John Caserta shares his specialization in financial consultation and informs on how to pick a financial advisor.
Life Insurance Awareness Month
Celebrate September being Life Insurance Awareness Month by listening to John Caserta in form you on the different types of Life Insurance.
Helping Your Child Save Their Summer Job Money.
John Caserta shares his tips on how to help your child save their hard-earned money.